Gary Constant
Park Street
87 x 130 cm
Often found keeping herself cosy and warm in her many blankets, Kali is definitely one for home comforts.
Kali grew up in London and enjoyed exploring urban parks and shopping in Covent Garden. We uprooted her to Woodstock three years ago but at heart, she’s still a city girl and tends to prefer walks through towns and cities instead of parks and fields.
Kali is quite the fashionista. Come autumn/winter, Kali has a wardrobe bigger than ours. She doesn’t have much fur and really feels the chill. In fact, she will simply refuse to go outside in the winter unless she is well-dressed. Her wardrobe ranges from onesies, fluffy snoods, Hawaiian shirts and much more. The softer the fabric the better it is. Her favourite outfit is her colour block onesie. However, Kali hates the rain with a passion and not even a raincoat will get her out of the house in wet weather and she can’t deal with muddy paws! She goes as far as pretending she has a leg injury if her paws get too muddy; the first time this happened we nearly ended up at the vets.
Lockdown tails…
During lockdown, the amusement Kali bought us kept us going when the days and nights felt longer. Walking her brought us so much joy. She became an assistant to her ‘work from home mummy’ and still loves making appearances (tucked up from her bed) in zoom meetings.
Last year, Kali gained a new best friend called Roux, our rescue miniature pincher who joined our family all the way from Cyprus. It took a little time for them to adjust to one another. However, eight months later, they are the best of friends and love chasing each other around in circles – Kali loves a good chase, she is a greyhound after all.
Harley Jackson