Portia McCahill
Blenheim Palace
21 x 29 cm
My lifelong ambition as a child was to have a dog, but we moved around abroad a lot, it was never an ideal time to have one. But finally, after completing university and settling into my first home, that ambition was realised.
Since that first moment of having a huge furball in the house, I could never go back to a dog free world, so, very sadly when my ageing Bulldog Buddha lost his best friend Rocco the Labrador, I knew I needed to find him another friend.
At six months pregnant, many thought we were a little nuts welcoming a super fluffy bundle of joy into our lives but we knew it was the right thing to do, and along came Bear. Bear quite simply was the most beautiful puppy I had ever seen with his chocolate and caramel coat and big green/hazel eyes; he bounded into our lives with a heart full of mischief and passion. I knew I had to get on with training him as my own little bundle of joy was due in three months and I was excited for them to grow together.
My older daughter Molly simply loved Bear and we got out every morning to take him round Blenheim; she helped me slowly walk round in my pregnant state and he certainly drew a lot of attention! We met so many wonderful people on those first few walks; I'm sure most were wondering what on earth a hugely pregnant lady was doing with a bouncy, crazy puppy, but those wonderful new people slowly turned into friends we now see most days.
Bear took on the lead role of teaching Molly how to ride her scooter, and how to crash her scooter by running in front of her! They built up a great friendship and we explored all the nooks and crannies of Blenheim, finding magic bouncy trees and fairy toadstools; he really helped bring Molly’s imagination to life.
Back at home, Bear would snuggle up to old Buddha keeping him company – and annoying him. It was around this time that Bear developed a love for his blankie and he still to this day drags his king-sized bed throw (which he stole from our bed!) from room to room, dropping it to the floor, plopping on top of it and sucking it till he falls asleep.
As my new baby daughter Willow was born and as I was not working, walking with a pram and my puppy became my life. I was out in the beautiful grounds of Blenheim day in and day out walking, talking and exploring with my little charges. As Bear grew, so did his fluff and his fringe! He became quite the little looker with so many people stopping to pet him and talk about his crazy hair. He really started to take advantage of this by learning how to give full on cuddles back and now one of his most favourite things is to be petted by a fellow walker whilst out on a walk.
I love Bear’s never-ending enthusiasm for life, his ability to meet and greet anyone and endear himself to them, the fact that he loves my daughters and treats them as his sisters and the fact that all he wants out of life is a walk, a snuggle and a snack! He is a cheeky chap and has a shoe obsession, but he doesn't chew them but instead collects them and stores them in his various beds around the house, cuddling up to them with his blankie. I like to imagine he is carrying a piece of us to bed to snuggle with each night and to dream of shoes. Obviously though, every morning is frantic with each of us holding one shoe, desperately searching for the other and often giving up and selecting another pair only to take them back off at the end of the day and then lose one of those to his bed!
Lockdown tails…
Bear kept us sane through the pandemic! Whilst lovely, having two small children in the house meant that there were times (most days) when each of us needed a break and having Bear meant we could just take off, often round Blenheim on those desolate days! During those walks, we could forget the crazy times around us and the pandemonium at home and just get back to nature with our dog.
Bear likes nothing more than to sniff out a pheasant and oh boy, does Blenheim have many! Nose down, zig zagging across the path, rooting in bushes and suddenly the sqwalk and flutter of an unearthed pheasant and Bear goes nuts nearly pulling my arm off to catch it! Luckily though he is on the lead and so they just taunt each other until I manage to drag him past! Squirrels are also his nemesis – those cheeky little balls of fluff often daring to enter his garden searching for a snack and driving Bear to distraction. Like a bolt of lightning out the back door, Bear surges forward within a hair's breadth of the squirrel's tail as it dashes to safety up a tree. Bear is then on high alert checking the garden borders for any other trespassers and remaining on vigil till the threat has passed. But they keep coming!
Bear has also quite the following on Instagram! His good looks and ultimate charm seem to have touched the hearts of many. I try not to let it go to his head, but he does like to pose and get the perfect picture for his fans! Whether it's a picture of him running through the waves in Cornwall or soaking up the sun in the garden, chewing on a carrot or snuggling with his blankie, Bear is always photo ready!
Ultimately though, Bear has taught me to love. To love endlessly and never take anything for granted. He sees each day as such a gift, a day of new opportunities and adventures, new people to love and greet and new shoes to find and cuddle. I hope each day to show as much love and gratitude for life (and of course shoes!) as my little fluffy sidekick, Bear.
Portia McCahill